Tamar Granor

Tamar and Ted win the Developer's Choice award for Best VFP Book for "The Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro 6.0" at the 2000 VFP DevConnections conference in New Orleans.Tamar E. Granor, Ph.D., has developed and enhanced numerous FoxPro and Visual FoxPro applications for businesses and other organizations. She currently focuses on working with other developers through consulting, mentoring and subcontracting. Tamar served as Editor of FoxPro Advisor magazine from 1994 to 2000, where she is currently Technical Editor and co-author of the magazine's popular Advisor Answers column.Tamar is co-author of What's New in Visual FoxPro 7.0, Microsoft Office Automation with Visual FoxPro, and the Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro 6.0, winner of the Visual FoxPro Developer's Choice award. She is the Technical Editor of Visual FoxPro Certification Exams Study Guide. All of these books are available from Hentzenwerke Publishing (www.hentzenwerke.com). Tamar is a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Microsoft Support Most Valuable Professional. Tamar speaks frequently about Visual FoxPro at conferences and user groups in Europe and North America. She served as Technical Content Manager for the 1997-1999 Visual FoxPro DevCons and was part of the coordination team for the Visual FoxPro Excellence Awards. You can reach Tamar at

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .