Display Status, List Status

These commands are suitable for use only during development, to let the bewildered developer answer the question, "Where the heck are we?"
        [ TO PRINTER [ PROMPT ] 
          | TO [ FILE ] cFileName [ ADDITIVE ] ]
These can be great commands to help a developer understand what's going on in an application, because they list a ton of information—some of it far more difficult to access programmatically. It's arranged pretty sensibly, although there are obviously a few spots where information was "tacked on" through several versions of the Fox product line. The basic status of all work areas, which is the current database, where record locks are in use, which indexes are in effect, are all covered. A slew of SET commands are shown, as are low-level file handles, textmerge settings and external DLL declarations. We'd like to see this expanded to include more information on which database containers are open, as well.


DISPLAY STATUS TO MyStat  && creates MyStat.TXT

See Also

ADLLs(), Alias(), CDX(), Display and List, DBF(), Tag()

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .