Set Display, Set("Display")

This was a tremendously useful command in FoxPro for DOS. Although it does some things in Visual FoxPro for Windows, it has lost most of its utility. SET DISPLAY changes the video display mode to a specified mode.


        | VGA25 | VGA50
cCurrentMode = SET( "DISPLAY" )
Changing the display mode makes a number of changes to the environment. The screen font is changed to FoxFont and the font size changes to provide approximately the number of lines specified for the display mode—9 point for 25-line displays and 7 point for 43- and 50-line modes. If the main window is less than full-size, it may be expanded to accommodate the correct number of screen rows. The Windows-style status bar is turned off.The docs say you'll get an error message if you specify any video mode that's not available. In our tests, that's always COLOR and MONO. We also notice that SET("DISPLAY") returns "VGA25" whether we specify "CGA", "EGA25" or "VGA25", and "VGA50" for either "EGA43" or "VGA50".Using SET DISPLAY in a Windows app is totally inappropriate. As with other aspects of the visual environment, in Windows the user controls the display settings.


SET DISPLAY TO VGA50  && yields 7-point FoxFont

See Also

FontName, FontSize, IsColor(), Modify Window, SCols(), Set, Set Status Bar, SRows(), Sys(2006), SysMetric

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .