
In all versions of FoxPro before Visual FoxPro (not to mention other assorted Xbase variants), READ was perhaps the most important command in the language. It activates input controls created with @ ... GET and @ ... EDIT. From FoxPro 2.0 forward, READ was also the prescribed method of keeping an application active, through the deservedly much maligned Foundation READ.In Visual FoxPro, there's only one important form of READ: READ EVENTS, which is discussed below. All the rest are obsolete and should be used only in old code that hasn't been updated. Use the Form Designer and Visual FoxPro's controls instead of Screen Builder and @ ... GETs and @ ... EDITs.If you need to know the ins and outs of READ (say, to maintain or update some old code), check out a good FoxPro 2.x reference—you'll find several listed in the Appendix.

See Also

@ Commands, Read Events

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