
This remnant of the printer variable system actually does something. It determines whether output produced by ? and ?? pays attention to _RMARGIN or not. If _WRAP is .T., output stops at _RMARGIN and wraps to the next line.


_WRAP = lWrapIt
One other kink feels like a bug, but actually makes sense. When _WRAP is .T., output from ?? is stored up until either the right margin is reached or a ? command is issued. The characters aren't sent to the device until that time. Where this catches us is when we are trying to ring the bell with ?? CHR(07). Remember to turn _WRAP off before issuing that command.


_WRAP = .T.
? "This long string will be wrapped when you see it"
_WRAP = .F.
? "This one won't be wrapped because _WRAP is .F."

See Also

_Alignment, _Indent, _LMargin, _RMargin

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .