@ ... Say-BMP and OLE Objects

This is a funny command. Most @ ... SAY commands are purely for passive output. This command combines the typical "display this field" command with the option of specifying actions for the OLE object to perform. Most of the functionality of this command has been replaced with OLEControls and OLEBoundControls and their DoVerb methods.We can't see a reason for using this command in new code, rather than using the new OLEBoundControl, OLEControl or Image controls. Placement and sizing can be controlled in the visual design tools, or with the associated Top, Left, Width and Height properties. The STYLE keyword maps to the BackStyle property for Images. The CENTER, ISOMETRIC and STRETCH keywords are available through the Stretch property, and the VERB keyword has been replaced with the DoVerb method. We detail this functionality to aid you in transporting a 2.x application to Visual FoxPro, but will be surprised if you can find a use for this command in Visual FoxPro.


@ 0,0 SAY smplgrph.myGraph VERB "Edit"

See Also

DoVerb, Image, OLEBoundControl, OLEControl, Registration Database

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .