
Alas, poor Filer, we knew it well. Issuing this command in VFP 5 or later results in "Unrecognized command verb." Not so much as a decent sendoff.The good news, even though the command itself has been removed from the language, is that the Filer utility lives on. In the Tools/Filer subdirectory of your main VFP directory is a Filer form. It uses a Filer.DLL to do the heavy lifting of searching through the directory structures. The DLL is a COM object available to any COM hosting tool, like VFP. The form supplied is just a sample of what can be done. The tool itself is a weak imitation of the power we used to have in Filer itself, but the code is clear and there are at least a few comments. Consider modifying and enhancing the sample form, or perhaps even using the DLL within your own forms for browsing and manipulating files.


DO FORM LOCFILE(HOME()+"\tools\filer\filer.scx")

See Also

ADir(), Dir, Display Files

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .