FDate(), FTime()

These functions return the date and time a file was last updated, according to the operating system.


dLastDate = FDATE( cFileName )
cLastTime = FTIME( cFileName )
cFileName may include a path. If not, FoxPro looks first in the default directory, then along the FoxPro path.


? FDATE("WinWord.EXE")  && Returns 7/11/97 for Word 97 SR-1
? FTIME("WinWord.EXE")  && Returns 12:00:00 AM for Word 97 SR-1
Now that we have DateTime data, it would be nice to return the file date and time as a single string. On the other hand, adding FDateTime() to the language would be another case of unnecessary dBloat. It's easy enough to write your own using the conversion shown under CTOT(). Or you could just use ADIR(), which not only returns both date and time, but is well-behaved if the file doesn't exist.

See Also

ADir(), CToT(), FSize(), LUpdate()

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