MaxHeight, MaxLeft, MaxTop, MaxWidth, MinHeight,
Specifies how large or small a form window can be
sized and where it can be placed.
nHowTall = objForm.MaxHeight
nHowWide = objForm.MaxWidth
nHowShort = objForm.MinHeight
nHowThin = objForm.MinWidth
objForm.MaxHeight = nHowTall
objForm.MaxWidth = nHowWide
objForm.MinHeight = nHowShort
objForm.MinWidth = nHowThin
The MaxHeight and MaxWidth properties specify the maximum
dimensions to which a form can be stretched. This stretching can
occur via operator action by resizing the window with mouse or
keyboard, or programmatically (using ZOOM WINDOW, or by changing
WindowState, Height or Width). MinHeight and MinWidth specify the
minimum dimensions the form can assume. The "minimized" or
"iconized" state is not affected by the Min-dimensions; only
resizing using the mouse or keyboard, or by changing the form's
Height and Width, is affected.
nColumn = objForm.MaxLeft
nRow = objForm.MaxTop
objForm.MaxLeft = nColumn
objForm.MaxTop = nRow
MaxLeft and MaxTop, on the other hand, specify the
position a form should have when maximized. When the form is
maximized, it is not movable, nor can it be resized using the
mouse or keyboard. While all the other "Max" properties are the
maximum value within a range of values that a particular property
can have, the MaxTop and MaxLeft are the only values their
properties can have when the form is maximized. We think this is
an unfortunate overloading of the prefix, and bound to lead to
confusion.All of these properties respect, and are scaled to, the
appropriate ScaleMode.
oForm = CREATEOBJECT("TestForm")
Top = 10
Left = 10
Height = 100
Width = 100
MaxHeight = 200
MaxWidth = 200
MaxTop = 15
MaxLeft = 15
MinHeight = 50
MinWidth = 50
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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor,
Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license