
This property determines if the Line control slants from the upper-left to the lower-right corners, or from the lower-left to the upper-right corners of the rectangle described by the Line's Height, Width, Top and Left properties.


linLine.LineSlant = cWhichWay
cWhichWay = linLine.LineSlant
You have two choices for the cWhichWay property—the slash "/" and the backslash "\". But, you say, what if you want a vertical line—can't you supply a bar or pipe character "|" or, for a horizontal line, a hyphen, dash or underscore? Nope. Any other character other than the two slashes is either ignored or generates an error.To create a vertical or horizontal line, change the Height or Width property to zero and then adjust the other settings to place the line where you'd like it.


linLine1.LineSlant = "/"

See Also


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