
This property determines whether or not the pages in a page frame have tabs. Tabs let the user click on a page to bring it to the top. Without tabs, the pages sit one on top of the other and you have to bring different pages to the top programmatically (by changing ActivePage).


pgfPageFrame.Tabs = lHasTabs
lHasTabs = pgfPageFrame.Tabs
If Tabs is .T., the setting of BorderWidth is ignored and a border width of 1 pixel is used.If you use tabs, you can force them to stay in a single row or let them get stacked as in the Tools-Options dialog. Check out TabStretch.In VFP 5 and later, TabStyle lets you base the width of each tab on its contents.Tabs can only be at the top of the page frame—if you need something else, check out some of the ActiveX controls around.


ThisForm.pgfDays.Tabs = .T.

See Also

ActivePage, BorderWidth, Page, PageFrame, TabStretch, TabStyle

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