
This property lets you give a form a title bar that's a little different than the regular one.


frmForm.HalfHeightCaption = lHasHalfHeight
lHasHalfHeight = frmForm.HalfHeightCaption
In VFP 3 under Win 3.x, the title bar created by this option really was half-height. We think it was for backward compatibility and conversion of FoxPro/DOS screens, because we couldn't see any reason why you'd want a half-height title bar. They're mucho ugly.Under the modern versions of Windows, the size of the caption bar changes only very slightly. However, the size of the icon in the upper-left corner changes noticeably. It's a little bigger with HalfHeightCaption set to .T.—as a side effect of that, the buttons on the right-hand side of the title bar are a little closer together. In addition, the title bar uses a solid color, even if Windows is set for a two-color gradient.We can't think of any reason at all to touch this property.


ThisForm.HalfHeightCaption = .T.

See Also

BorderStyle, Caption, TitleBar

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .