
This one is only for those brave souls who've mastered the mysteries of ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity, Microsoft's contribution to the client-server world). It opens a connection to ODBC and returns the handle to that connection. The handle can then be used in calls to the ODBC API (Application Programming Interface).


nODBCHandle = SYS(3053)
We don't know too many people who make direct calls to ODBC. Unless you've paid your dues with the ODBC SDK (boy, Microsoft really is into three- and four-letter acronyms, isn't it?), we suggest you don't do this.


nHandle = SYS(3053)

See Also

Declare-DLL, Set Library

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .