
This property contains the description of a file or server in a project.


cDescription = oObject.Description
oObject.Description = cDescription
This is a property of both the File and Server objects. For files, it contains the description you see at the bottom of the Project Manager when the file is highlighted. You can edit it interactively by choosing Edit Description from the context menu or the Project Menu. Note that you can only access descriptions for files through this property. Classes, although their descriptions are visually edited the same way, can't be accessed programmatically with this technique, though descriptions for class libraries can.For ActiveX server classes, Description contains the description from the Servers page of the Project Info dialog. However, you have to build an EXE or DLL from the project before anything shows up on that page. (And, if you add a new OLE public class, you have to build again before the new class is available.) So, you can't set this property when you first create the class.Description accepts any valid characters. However, we don't recommend using CHR(13) and CHR(10) to write multi-line descriptions. You can't see anything but the first line in the Project Manager or the Edit Description dialog. Description is limited to 255 characters. If you assign 256 characters to Description, it is reset to an empty string.


oProj.Files[1].Description = "The main program for this app."

See Also

File, Files, Name, Project

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