AddToSCC, RemoveFromSCC

These two methods of the File object allow an individual file to come under, or be freed from, source code control.


lResult = filFile.AddToSCC()
lResult = filFile.RemoveFromSCC()
Use these two methods to add a file to your source code control system or remove it.

Like the other SCC methods, these commands suffer from confirmation dialogs getting in the way of the processing. This means that you can't entirely automate things—you'll have to manually click in these dialogs. Since they aren't part of Fox's interface, even a risky maneuver like KEYBOARDing values won't work.


* Clear all the files in a project out of SCC
oProject = _VFP.ActiveProject
FOR EACH oFile IN oProject.Files
  IF oFile.ReadOnly  && if .T., it is under SCC

See Also

CheckIn, CheckOut, File, GetLatestVersion, Project, UndoCheckout

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Copyright © 2002-2018 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. Click for license .