
This property, added in VFP 7, determines whether a top-level form has a presence in the Windows taskbar.


lIsInTaskbar = frmForm.ShowInTaskbar
Top-level forms let us create windows that aren't confined to the main VFP window. By default, top-level forms also appear in the Windows taskbar. This logical property lets you decide whether a given form should have a presence there or not. The property is ignored unless ShowWindow = 2-Top-level form.You have to set this property in the Property Sheet; it's read-only at runtime. That's probably because of the way that Windows deals with stand-alone windows.Incidentally, _SCREEN has this property, too, but it's useless there since it's read-only all the time.


IF NOT ThisForm.ShowInTaskbar
   WAIT WINDOW "No taskbar presence for me"

See Also

Form, _Screen, ShowWindow

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