
This property determines the color used to fill in graphic objects and shapes.


oObject.FillColor = nColor
nColor = oObject.FillColor
The FillColor property of a form specifies the color used to fill in rectangles, circles and ellipses drawn with the form's Box and Circle methods. (_SCREEN is considered a form for this purpose.) A shape's FillColor determines its interior.FillColor matters only when FillStyle is something other than the default 1 (Transparent).See DrawMode for a form that demonstrates the effects of FillColor and FillStyle.


_Screen.FillColor = RGB(128,0,0)  && deep red
_Screen.FillStyle = 6             && checks - country style
_Screen.Box(0, 0, 100, 100)

See Also

BackColor, DrawMode, DrawStyle, FillStyle

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