
This property determines the pattern used to fill graphic objects and shapes. A form's FillStyle applies to items drawn with the form's Box and Circle methods. A shape has its own FillStyle property.


oObject.FillStyle = nFillStyle
nFillStyle = oObject.FillStyle
The default FillStyle is 1 for Transparent. In this case, the object's FillColor is ignored. For the other seven fill styles (which range from solid through variously oriented lines to straight or diagonal cross-hatching), FillColor determines the color of the interior. The settings for FillStyle are included in FoxPro.H.See DrawMode for a cool form that demonstrates the effects of FillStyle.


* Create a form
oForm = CREATEOBJECT("Form")
oForm.AddObject("MyShape", "Shape")
oForm.MyShape.Visible = .T.
oForm.MyShape.FillStyle = 0             && Solid
oForm.MyShape.FillColor = RGB(0,0,255)  && Blue
oForm.MyShape.FillStyle = 4             && Diagonal, still blue

FillStyle offers two diagonal styles—4 and 5—labeled "upward diagonal" and "downward diagonal." For no reason we can fathom, these are interpreted differently for shapes than for graphic objects drawn with Box and Circle. We think shapes are getting it right and that graphics are confused. Regardless, it's pretty strange when you have two objects with the same FillStyle and the lines go one way in one and the other way in the other.

See Also

DrawMode, DrawStyle, FillColor, Shape

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