
This property determines whether or not a form is constrained by the main Visual FoxPro window. When Desktop is .T., the form can move around independently.


lContained = frmForm.Desktop
You set this one at design-time and live with it. Makes sense to us—this isn't something you'd want to mess around with at runtime.When a form has Desktop = .F., moving it beyond the bounds of the main window clips off portions of the window. With Desktop = .T., the whole window shows.Even when a form has Desktop set to .T., it still belongs to the main Visual FoxPro window. Minimizing the main window makes the form disappear, and you can't keep the form around after you shut down VFP. To create a window that's not a child of the main VFP window, use the ShowWindow property.


IF This.Desktop
   This.Caption = "Look at me. I float free"

See Also

AlwaysOnTop, AutoCenter, MaxHeight, ShowWindow

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